
Sunday, March 25, 2012


Life has been flying by at record speed lately.  Bliss is already 5 weeks old and becoming more interactive every day.  Dallas is as active as ever and learning new things daily. She moo's and quacks and definitely knows how to get a good laugh out of mom and dad. She comes home from school screaming BAABBBYYY now along with DAIZZZYYY. Bliss will just stare at her with a twinge of fear behind her eyes haha. We are working on getting our routine down and have found a pretty nice groove. Lots of snuggling in the mornings and running around like crazy in the evenings.

Wanting to play outside

Getting her medicine... her eardrums ruptured on Monday after battling ear infections for 3 months. She is such a trooper.

 Helping dad get ready for St. Patty's Day!

 Daddy & his Girls!

Dinner time at our house usually means Dallas in her highchair, Bliss in her swing and Daisy locked outside

Thursday, March 22, 2012

1 Month!

It's hard to believe that a little over a month ago sweet baby Bliss came into our lives. Time seems to be flying by. Bliss has been very alert since she was born often looking at us with a wide eyed stare like we are crazy.  She coo's a lot usually followed by a smile. I couldn't decide which 1 Month picture to go with so I decided to include a few ;)

Friday, March 9, 2012

16 Months!

A lot of changes have happened for my little girl this last month. She welcomed her little sister, has about 10 new words and became "the biter" of her class (oops!). She is our wild woman who never stops and we wouldn't change that for the world. Life is more fun when she is around. Dallas currently loves: Singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider and If Your Happy and You Know It, The Wiggles, Barney, walking around in mommy's shoes, patting Bliss whenever she gets a chance, and playing anything outside.
Saturday was my first day being able to carry Dallas after my c-section. She's been a fixture at my side for 16 months. It felt so good to have her back on my hips and in my arms.
Farrah Fawcett?